Friday, December 19, 2008

This past week has been wonderful! I have so enjoyed just relaxing and not having to follow a strict schedule. My mother was still at work all week,so I spent my days running last minute holiday errands for her and then keeping our new puppy. She was sick this week and we were all really worried about her since she only weighed 1 pound but now she is doing much much better. I have also gotten to spend a lot of time with my grandparents, which I love. They celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. They truly are an inspiration to us all.
I am so sad that I live so far away from the Atlanta area. The majority of my friends live in or around Atlanta and are all planning little get togethers,but it is just too far for me to go and come in one day. Hopefully we will be having a post-new year's party that my parents will let me drive up for.
Today as I was catching up on reading blogs, I discovered the cutest scrapbooking software on smilebox. I have had so much fun creating cute e-cards and scrapbook pages this afternoon.
I still have several more gifts to wrap for my mama and I am waiting on one more to be shipped. I love the holidays and I am extra excited this year because I only asked for 1 or two things so I will have lots of fun surprises.

On a side note my parents had my mother's co-workers over last night for a Christmas Party and one lady and her husband showed up completely drunk. It was awful, their speech was slurred and she is normally so closed off and conservative but last night she was the life of the party. We were all very worried about them because they just kept drinking and had about an hour drive home. I would like to think that most adults would have the composure and class to know when they have had too much or atleast be able to hold their liquor better!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Giving Thanks/Christmas Cheer

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Maybe its the time of year, or maybe its the fact that I have a lot more spare time than usual.
I am so thankful to have the amazing family that I have. My mother is my best friend and I look to her for everything. My grandparents are two of my favorite people in this whole world. My grandmother is the perfect southern I am thankful to God for making me who I am. He gave me a good head on my shoulders and the courage to stand up for what I believe in.
I am thankful for the little things. Just a smile, a hello or a short conversation with an aquaintance can make the biggest difference in my day.
I am thankful for my friends. Since I am so close to my family, it has always been hard for me to make really close friends. In high school I had one or two close friends but in college I feel like I have truly made friendships that will last a lifetime. These girls are there for me no matter what. They always listen to my problems no matter how small and will always be there when I need a friend.
I am also thankful for my community. I love the fact that I am from a small historic town. Its part of what makes me myself. Our downtown is absolutely adorable and everywhere that I go I see someone that I know.
I am thankful for all of the opportunities that I have been offered in my life. So many doors have been opened for me and after a semester I know that I made the right choice by going to the college that I chose.
I am thankful for Christmas Music and Peppermint white mochas from Starbucks :)
AND I have a brand new precious puppy, Millie, to be thankful for
I know this was kind of a rant, but thanks for listening!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Trying to figure out life...

I am DONE with my first semester of college!! The most annoying part is waiting for all of my grades to be posted...Next semester I am going to be a sophomore and in the fall I will be a junior. It scares me so much that the path that I am set on right now in college determines what I am going to do for the rest of my life. Currenlty I am a political science and public rhetoric major with pre-law intentions. For the past three years my life plan has been to go to law school and come back to my hometown and work as an assistant district attorney and someday run for district attorney.I participated in mock trial for all of high school and decided that being an attorney would be the perfect career for me. It would be a great combination of my passions for helping others, public speaking and history of government. Lately I have been thinking that being an attorney might not be the perfect career choice for me anymore. I love the political science department at my school and will most likely stay in the department, but I am leaning towards a masters in non-profit or an MBA in non-profit management instead of Law School. One of the most important things to me is that my career be something that I enjoy and something that will help me make a difference in the world. I had a short talk with my mama tonight before she left for dinner and we both agreed that I would be good at something working with children or elderly people and I promised her that I would not go into education. She suggested that I look into Child Psychology or Psychometry...That sounded really interesting to me because I could work with children and psychometrists are the people who test students for gifted programs and mental disabilities. The only problem is since I am so far ahead in school, I would have already had to declare a major in psychology and completed certain courses before hitting 30 hours, which I completed this semester...
but the good news is I am leaning very strongly towards a career in the non-profit sector. My sorority's philanthropy is the Children's Miracle Network and at a Christmas fundraiser the lady that works at the local children's hospital told us about her college experience and its the exact same as mine! She was a poli sci major and then got a masters in non-profit. All of my friends turned and looked at me and were like its you!
Sorry for the long rant, but I have just been thinking about all of this for a long time.
It feels so great to be home and I am puppysitting my new little sister tonight :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I almost forgot

I am so so happy that Saxby won yesterday! A big thank you to everyone who went out to the polls and voted :)

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

Things I am loving about Christmas so far:
1. Christmas Music
2. Cold Weather! (Scarves are my favorite)
3. Almost time to go home :)
4. Decorations everywhere
5. Christmas Parties!!

This week has been fairly stressful so far with a final, a quiz and two projects due. I have gotten all of my work done and I am pretty sure I that I made an A on my final this morning!! Teachers are starting to get ready for the break too and have been cancelling class like crazy!
Tomorrow is the annual hanging of the greens on front campus and I am so excited to be a part of this celebration, then the annual Holiday Jazz Band concert. After that I am off to the Kappa Sig Christmas Cocktail Party with a live Jazz Band. Friday night I am working at this huge holiday fundraising event at the Antebellum Governor's Mansion on Campus. Its a black tie event with over 250 guests from our community. I am in charge of coordinating things between the student ambassadors and the Mansion/college staff...i get to have a walkie talkie.haha and then after that I am off to the Tacky Christmas Sweater party with some of my favorite girlies.
Thats all the fun I will have until next friday.
Starting Saturday morning I will be MIA due to the 5 cumulative finals I will be taking next week. I am even missing my families trip to pick up our new puppy :(
Thank goodness I will get to play with her lots over the break.

Secret Santa swaps are in full swing this time of year. I have one on Sunday night with some of my close friends from my pledge class. We decided this would be a lot more economical than getting presents for everyone, but the girl I have no clue what to get the girl whose name I drew. She really likes twilight, so I am thinking about getting her a poster for her dorm room, a cute scarf/hat/gloves combo and then a picture frame with a picture of all of us in it. Any ideas?
and then the one I am really clueless about is for Monday. The Student Ambassador Team consists of around 70 students and we are all working different events all of the time, but for the Secret Santa exchange I drew the name of a senior girl that I have never met before... I'm thinking Bath and Body Works?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I just finished my math test and now its 5 days at home of nothing but relaxation with family and friends (and a little shopping and Christmas decorating!)

I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all!

This morning I woke up to go to my 8am Bio Lab....and it was 27 degrees!!! I can't believe how quickly the year has gone by. It so beautiful outside with all of the fall colors and leaves everywhere. I just love this time of year when I can bundle up with my favorite scarf and jacket(even if it is for an 8 am Bio class). It seems like everything is coming to an end right now and all of my teachers are trying to squeeze in last minute tests and there are so many events going on to celebrate the Holiday season. I am ready for a break and some family time.

Tonight we are having our first "family dinner this year". My big wants me to get to know my grandbig and great grandbig better. I am excited because we are going to Mexican and its my favorite :) Then our sorority is having a "P" social. You are supposed to dress up with anything that begins with the letter P. I am going to be Pippy Longstocking :) I figured out how to make my pigtails stick out with a wire coat hanger...It should be a fun night and a much needed break from all of the studying!

AND my family is getting a new precious puppy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Story of My Life...

All of my sorority sisters are bustling about in the hallway getting painted up for our Rave party with my favority Fraternity on campus....and I am sitting in the study room trying to concentrate on Biology.
Story of my life.
All work and no play...
Did I mention how much I hate biology???
counting down the days til Christmas break: 29

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just a little quiz...

This is what I did with my free time instead of studying for Spanish! I am off to take pictures for my very first sorority composite!

1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:15

2. What is your favorite TV show? Gilmore Girls!

3. What did you have for breakfast? Cheese Grits.

4. What is your middle name? Wynn

5. What foods do you dislike? fish.

6. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Mercedes C230

7. Favorite sandwich? Chicken Salad

8. What characteristics do you despise? laziness, disorganization, tardiness.

9. Favorite item of clothing? my zebra print cardigan

10. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Spain

11. What color is your bathroom? well...its a dorm white!

12. Where would you retire to? I don't think I can ever leave my hometown...I love it here

13. Where were you born? Georgia

14. What’s the last thing you ate? Wheat Thins

15. Favorite flower? Gerber Daisy

16. What is your shoe size? 7 1/2

17. Do you have any pets?I am about to get a new miniature yorkie

18. Last person you talked to on the phone? my mama

19. What are you meant to be doing now? studying for spanish/biology/geography/writing a paper

20. What do you first notice about someone? Teeth

21. Siblings? none.

22. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie ofcourse!

23. Living arrangements? Dorm room

24. When was the last time you cried? Pretty much every day last was such a stressful week

25. What is under your bed? Pretty much anything that wouldn't fit into my dorm closet

26. How many countries have you visited? 1

27. In how many cities have you lived? 1

28. Favorite movie of all time? Steel Magnolias

29. Mountains or beach? Beach.

30. Full names of your potential kids? no clue

31. Usual bedtime? Sometime around midnight...earlier or later depending on my daily schedule

Sunday, November 9, 2008

And All My Friends Say...

Luke Bryan was amazing last night!! I had the best time! I really needed a stress free weekend, but all good things must come to an end. I just moved into the library for the rest of the day and thought I would catch up on blogging/procrastinate doing my work for a few more minutes!
I went to upload my pictures from last night to facebook, and someone deleted everything off of my camera last night! I was so upset.
This upcoming week will be a busy one. I love staying busy, but a break every now and then seems well deserved and is definitely needed. The stress level on campus is so ridiculous this time of year.
I hope all of you are having a blessed Sunday and have a fabulous week :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Beginnings!

I am sorry that I haven't blogged in so long! These first few months of college have been a whirlwind. Trying to stay organized and slightly sane has been a challenge but I am loving every minute. Let me just say I LOVE college. So far it has been a great experience full of living and learning from mistakes, growing up and making many new friends. I joined a sorority and I love all of my sisters. My mother was especially excited because I decided to pledge her sorority and I am now a member of the Chapter that she was a founding sister of! I was selected as one of 15 new student ambassadors for Georgia College and State University out of an applicant pool of over 80 students and I love getting to share my love of GC&SU with all of the precious prospective students. My classes keep me busy, but I feel like now I have gotten through the most stressful part of the year---registration for next semester! Did I mention that I will be a sophomore in the Spring? I don't want to graduate early!!
Some highlights from the year so far:
1.Bid Day--when I ran out to all of my future sisters it truly felt like home
2. Big/Little week--I have the BEST big ever :)
3. Initiation--my mama got to be there, she cried
4. Finding out I was selected as a student ambassador
5. Making a 100 on 2 research papers!!!
And many more that I just can't remember right now.
I truly feel like I have grown up these last three months. I have gotten to figure out exactly who I am and for the first time I feel comfortable in my own skin. There aren't cliques in college like high school. I feel like everyone is so accepting and have made lifelong friends that I know will be there in a heartbeat if I call them. I do miss my family, but I know they are only a phone call or a short ride away.

Last night was our Band Party celebrating 35 years on campus for my sorority. We were the first sorority allowed on campus and all of Greek Life came out to celebrate. It was so much fun! The band was amazing! This morning we had an alumni luncheon and my mama came and saw here best friend/sister from college that she hadn't seen in almost 30 years. It was absolutely adorable to see them catching up on the old days and sharing all of their funny stories from college. ( I should probably go ahead and tell y'all that my mother is my favorite person in the world and I aspire to be half of the gracious southern woman that she is when I finally "grow up")
AND Tonight is LUKE BRYAN!!!! I am going to get ready with my big and then we are all going together! I am so excited :)

I promise to start blogging more and post pictures from our upcoming socials and other campus events.
I want to thank everyone who reads my blog and all of you faithful bloggers who have inspired me!
Pray for me this week--I have a 10 minute oral spanish exam on Monday, where I have to talk to my teacher (who is from Mexico) in spanish for 1o minutes.

Love Y'all!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

1 more day til move in :)
and I still haven't finished packing or finished my freshman novel!!!!
I have packed basically everything except my clothes...I am trying to narrow down to just the basics since I live so close to campus, but its just so hard!
And now I am getting super nervous about rush!! The first day is a casual meet and greet 30 minutes after move in...all of the info about rush has different things about what to letter said very casual like shorts, polo and flip flops and another said a skirt or casual sundress for the meet and I absolutely NO idea what to wear!!
any suggestions would be great! I am wearing Lilly dresses for the other 3 days and I even found a pair of Lilly shoes to match one of my dresses! I will be sure and post pictures of my dorm room and outfits for rush.
And advice about rush/smooth move in would be greatly appreciated :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last night one of my good friends came over to spend the night...We went and got dinner and then hit the gym! I wish she were a member at my gym so she could go with me and make me work out!! Gosh it helped so much to have someone with me to push me to do more...i'm pretty competitive, so I kept running until she quit. Well after we left the gym we decided we needed a little reward for working so hard. So ofcourse we headed to WalMart and bought some cookie dough and chocolate ice cream and rented Drillbit Taylor. When we got home we watched Benchwarmers(Not my pick...I didn't think it was very funny) and then we watched the first half of Drillbit Taylor(it was funnier than Benchwarmers, but I would much rather watch 27 dresses or Sweet Home Alabama)...Then we finally went to bed about 2 this morning which wouldn't have been so bad if we didn't have to get up at 6:30!!! She spent the night with me because she had to go train for a job in Cochran where she is going to college and my house is about 45 minutes closer than hers...
so after she left at 7 this morning I got ready and hit the gym! I ran a while longer than I did last night and tried out some more of the weight hopefully I will get in a routine of going and will be able to keep it up!
I am so excited about tomorrow because I am going to play golf for the first time in a very long time!! I was really good when I played in middle school and the beginning of high school, but then I just was too busy to keep it up. Anyway one of my good guy friends and I had a deal...he would try and teach me how to play tennis, if I would try and teach him how to play golf. Well...the tennis thing didn't work out very well, so let's hope golf works out better!
After we get done with golfing in the morning I am coming home to finish a scrapbook that I am working on for this Board that I am serving on. Then hopefully I can start packing!! I am getting kind of nervous about rush!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

yuckkkkk!! the rest of my debutante pictures and graduation pictures finally came in the mail today and let me just say that they are not very flattering AT ALL!! The same lady took them that took my senior pictures (which I absolutely loved), but these did not turn out very well. In response to looking at them my grandmother said "you look like miss piggy!" was awful! I know that I am not pencil thin, but I'm certainly not fat either...but I am going to try and get in shape this fall and really watch what I eat so that I don't gain the dreaded "freshman fifteen". Did I mention that no one in my family took any pictures of me at my graduation or the party we had after? My mother is the senior counselor at my high school, so she was on stage passing out diplomas...but my father couldn't remember to snap a single shot??? I mean really?? I am starting to get really bored at home so I think this afternoon I might start cleaning out my room and packing up some things for school. My Daddy called me this morning and told me it siabout this big criminal trial that is going on at our local courthouse (he's an attorney) such a small town there aren't many big high profile cases. Anyway my parents think I should go watch since I am planning on going to law school with intentions of being a prosecutor. So tomorrow I will probably head on down to the courthouse and hopefully catch the closing arguments. I participated in Mock Trial all through high school and absolutely loved it....if I had not gone out for the team I would still have no clue what I would want to major in or what career I wanted to pursue.

I was reading my new Teen Vogue and saw this really cool blog that Meghan McCain (John McCain's daughter) has started its It profiles here journey on the campaign trail with her family. I thought it was really cool to see behind the scenes through the eyes of a young person. Politics is something that I have always been passionate about and this is sort of a different angle so y'all should definitely check it out!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yesterday afternoon I went to visit my grandparents and as soon as I walked through the back door the bottom fell out! I mean it hasn't rained like that all summer!! So my grandmother fixed me a piece of pound cake and a diet coke (a winning combination...somehow I still try to convince myself they cancel each other out) and we watched Oprah. Well about halfway through Oprah I got a text message from one of my friends that said "we are meeting at blackbird if you want to join" i thought to myself who is we? and what time? I mean really TR you have got to get on the ball about this sort of thing! so a few minutes later another friend called me asking where I was that they were all at blackbird! By this time the rain has slacked off a little bit, but not enough for my grandmother or mother to feel safe with me driving. I'm an only they are very protective of me. I told them I would be fine so I started out the door. Well, let me just say that I was not looking my loveliest yesterday...I stayed at home all day so I was sporting athletic shorts, a t-shirt, rainbows and my polo hat...I didn't really feel comfortable meeting them looking so awful and obviously neither did my grandmother. She is the perfect Southern Lady and if I can grow up to be half as gracious, hospitable and just plain southern as she is I will be a happy girl! She told me I better go home and put on some more make-up, comb my hair and change I did just that! and guess what? since it was raining I got to wear my new rainboots!!!
Well it was kind of a sad time for all of my friends...its probably the last time we will all be together before we leave for college. Two of them are going to Atlanta, one to Athens, I am just moving right down the street and one is a high school senior. Right now I am so ready for college and ready to meet new people, but at the same time I don't want to lose touch with these people that I have grown so close to.
Today I am going to Macon with my grandmother to do a little shopping and then we are headed over to my dermatologist. When we get home Mama and Daddy are coming over to my grandparents house and Grandaddy is making some homemade peach ice cream!!!--one of my favorite things about summer! We finally found some good homegrown georgia peaches so its time to make the best summertime treat ever!
Thats all for now....

Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm still trying to figure this whole blog thing out, but I think it will be a great way to keep track of everything this year! I'm sure I will love looking back to read about my freshman year...
I have exactly 10 days until I move in and right now I'm trying to decide exactly how I am going to be able to fit everything that I need into that tiny dorm room!! The clutter in my extra bedroom is killing me and I want to start organizing and packing,but everytime I mention packing my mama starts crying. Did I mention that I will only be 10 minutes away? Georgia's top liberal arts school just so happens to be in my hometown, so I will be sticking around.
This morning I ran errands for my mama since she had to go back to work and now I'm just sitting around the house catching up on magazines and straightening my room. One of my best friends leaves for school on friday and my other bestie started her senior year of high school today.
I'm going to try and figure out how to make a cute header and switch up some stuff on my blog!

Friday, August 1, 2008

"I think that somehow we learn who we really are, and then live with that decision."--Eleanor Roosevelt

1.I am an only child.
2.I try way too hard to achieve perfection in schoolwork, my relationships with others and just life in general.
3.I love to make "to-do" lists and I write everything down in my planner. If I lost it I would have no clue what to do
4.Most people would describe me as a prep, but I prefer southern belle.
5.It really bothers me when people call me rich or snobby, because if you get to know me you realize that I am neither.
6.I can't stand it when I feel like I have hurt someone's feelings or cause trouble for someone else.
7.My favorite colors always have been and always will be pink and green.
8. I rarely go anywhere without a collared shirt .
9. I own enough shoes for everyone in my town!
10.I ALWAYS write thank-you notes, even for little things.
11. My mother is my best friend.
12.I love to read.
13. I refuse to watch movies made from books, if I haven't read the book yet.
14. Nothing is finer than some Good Ole Southern Hospitality .
15. I skipped the second grade.
16. I monogram basically everything I can get my hands on...including my car :)
17. I like to play golf.
18.I try to be an independent woman, but I am by no means a feminist.
19.I don't like making decisions.
20. I actually enjoy writing...even essays for class.
21. My grades are really important to me, but I am not a nerd.
22.My greatest talent is public speaking. I absolutely LOVE it.
23.I hope to study abroad in Spain.
24.I like politics and sometimes I watch C-Span
25.I want to do an internship in D.C. for atleast a semester.
26. I am a sucker for a sweet southern boy with good manners.
27. Volunteering is super important to me.
28.I love hanging out downtown with my friends.
29. Jackie O is my fashion icon. She is timeless and classy.
30. Dr. Seuss and Eleanor Roosevelt are my heroes.
31. I'm kind of obsessed with quotes.
32.My favorite book is Star Girl...even though its a children's book.
33.I am fully convinced that Apples to Apples is the best game every created.
34.I don't like to sweat.
35.My favorite flowers are gerber daisis and tulips.
36. If its polka dotted then I probably own it.
37. I am a firm believer that every girl should own a little black dress.
38.Sometimes I wish I were Holly Golightly or Scarlett O'Hara.
39.I'm still afraid of bad thunderstorms.
40.I have a phobia of drive-thrus.
41.Key-Lime Pie Ice Cream from Brusters is my new favorite
42.I am terrible at math.
43.I will be attending Georgia College & State University. Go Bobcats!!!
44.I was accepted to UGA, Furman University, Mercer University and Georgia College& State University.
45.I am at a point in my life where I don't want to grow up, but at the same time I want to.
46. My grandparents are adorable and some of my favorite people in the whole world.
47. My yorkie Molly just died and she was like a sister to me.
48.I challenge myself way too much.
49. As a high school student I took over a full load at GCSU last semester AND made the Dean's List.
50. I wish that the whole world could be happy.
51.I don't really like meat on my pizza.
52.One of my favorite things to do is shop.
53. I LOVE bargain shopping. It makes me feel so good when I find expensive clothes for really cheap.
54. I have three really tiny closets.
55. My perfect outfit is a Polo or Vineyard Vines oxford and Chino shorts or a pair of jeans.
56. I am forever indebted to my mother for everything that she has ever done for me. She truly is amazing.
57. I like to HOBY-O.
58.I rode a horse for the first time this year.
59. I love to meet new people.
60 I work much better under pressure, but I am not a procrastinator.
61.I own 6 pairs of Sperrys
62. I am a little obsessed with Lilly Pulitzer.
63. Rainbow flip-flops are amazing and "oh-so comfy"
64.My favorite perfume is Betsey Johnson.
65.I don't like confrontations.
66.I love performing and being on stage.
67. I danced for 14 years. Now I really miss it.
68. There are never enough hours in the day.
69. I hate sleeping in. It makes me feel so utterly lazy.
70. New York City is one of my favorite places to visit, but I would never want to live there.
71. I want to live in a historic home.
72.When I grow up, I am going to be the next Nancy Grace.
73. My favorite news channel is CNN.
74.I like to wear hair ribbons and bows.
75.I never go anywhere without my pearls.
76.I am technologically challenged.
77.I don't like scares me.
78. I want to become fluent in Spanish.
79. I want to make a difference in the world.
80. My dream job would be working for a Senator or planning events for a huge corporation.
81.I really enjoyed Mock-Trial in High School...It helped me realize that I want to go to Law School.
82.I text way too much.
83. I don't really like to talk on the phone, I would much rather talk in person.
84. My two favorite me are Ben and Jerry....Ice Cream can make all of your problems seem smaller.
85.I wish that I could play piano.
86.My favorite toy growing up was a barbie doll.
87.I love to dress up for no reason.
88. I am pretty much the most unathletic person you will ever meet.
89. I like to eat salads.
90. The beach or the lake are my two favorite places.
91. I miss the simplicity of elementary school.
92. I like to ask questions.
93. I worry way too much.
94. I like mexican food.
95. I love animals and tried to catch a squirrel for a pet when I was little.
96. Sometimes I wish I had an older brother.
97.I love antiques.
98.My favorite thing to do is talk :)
99.I went to a public school.
100. I absolutely LOVE my life and I can't wait to see what the next chapter holds for me!!